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 Radio Central's July General Membership Meeting

Wednesday July 31, 2024 6:30 PM

At the Middle Country Public Library in Centereach

Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Our July meeting will take place on July 31 at 6:30 PM at the Middle Country Publoc Library in Centereach. This month's topic is Tips, Tricks and Techniques. Anyone at the meeting will have an opportunity to ask questions about any aspect of the hobby, from choosing a new rig to diagnosing a problem in your station to nabbing that sought-after DX contact, and see what your fellow members have to offer as a solution. You also will have an opportunity to share any new pointers or techniques that might pique the interest of others. New to the ranks of Radio Central? Don't be a wall flower - this meeting will be a great opportunity to meet and connect with your fellow members.

Radio Central Amateur Radio Club meetings are open to non-members as well as members. Anyone interested in Amateur Radio or wireless history is welcome to attend. You can find directions to the library here.

Check Out Four New Presentations Added to Our Presentations Library:

1.) FT8: The Newest, Most Popular Mode on MF/HF/VHF by Bob, WB2NFL   View with Adobe Acrobat...

2.) Six Meter Propagation Modes by Ken, WB2AMU   View with Adobe Acrobat...

3.) RFI in the Ham Shack - Tips and Traps by Rick, KC2FD   View with Adobe Acrobat...

4.) LC Bandpass Filters for 20M, 30M, 40M by Stephen E. Sussman-Fort, Ph.D, AB2EW   View with Adobe Acrobat...